Weather Station Specifications

Console (Voltage = 6.0 V, Temperature= 23° C)

Sensors (Voltage= 3.0 V, Temperature = 23°C)

RF Transmission Frequency 433.92 MHz

RF Range

Temperature and humidity sensors 100 meters maximum (in sight)

Wind sensors and rainfall 100 meters maximum (In sight)

Barometric pressure (range) 500 hpa to 1100 hpa (14.75 in Hg to 32.44 in Hg),

Barometric pressure (sea surface) (374.5 mmHg to 823.8 mm Hg)

Operating elevation – 200 m to + 5000 m (- 657 ft to 16404 ft)

Barometric pressure Resolution 0.1 hpa (0.003 in Hg, 0.08 mm Hg)

Barometric pressure accuracy +/-3 hpa (0.009 in Hg, 2.3 mmHg)

Outdoor temperature -40°C to 80°C ( -40° F to 176° F )

Indoor temperature -9.9 °C to 60 °C (14.2 ° F to 140 ° F)

Operating temperature -5 °C to 50 °C (23 ° F to 122 ° F)

Temperature accuracy +/-1 °C or +/-2 °F

Temperature resolution 0.1 °C or 0.2 °F

Humidity 0% to 99%

Humidity accuracy +/-5 (within 25% – 80%)

Humidity 1%

Unit communication time Cycle approx. 47 sec

Rain Gauge 183 sec

Anemometer 33 sec

East and West Sunrise +/-1min (latitude within +/-50 °)

Wind (direction) 22.5 degrees

Wind (direction accuracy) +/-11.25 °

Wind (direction resolution) 22.5 °

Wind (direction, lower speed limit) 3 mph

Wind speed 0 to 199.9 mph (199.9 Km/h, 173.7 Κnots, 89.3 m/s)

Wind speed (accuracy) +/-(2mph + 5)

Wind (speed, lower limit) 3mph

Wind/Gust (renewal time) 33 seconds

Rainfall (1h / 24h/yesterday) 0.0 to 1999.9 mm (78.73 inch)

Rainfall (previous week/previous month 0 to 19999 mm (787.3 inch)