Agios Paisios: The Holy Communion is the strongest medicine there is.


“To confess and to socialize anyway the sick, take so many medicines, do so many treatments.., they must realize that the Holy Communion is the Strongest Medicine that exists!”Always one must be ready but, when it comes to communion, it is good to do more than the spiritual that usually does, to prepare better…

The best preparation is the humble tackling, the crash, the honor.

For the Holy Communion no one prepares by changing clothes and washing teeth. The main thing is to examine himself. to see: Does he feel the Holy Communion as a necessity? Is he neat? Is there anything that prevents him from the Holy Communion and he hasn’t confessed to it?

In order to feel the Holy Communion, there must be conditions. The best condition is the humble attempt to cut our passions, for Christ to remain in our hearts. Otherwise Christ comes with the Holy Communion within us, but he leaves immediately and we feel nothing. When Christ remains, there is a alteration in man. There are people who feel Christ in them from one Holy Communion to another without interruption.

[…] When the priest says, “After fear of God”, to think that there is hospitalization and to come to the Holy Communion with a sense of your sinfulness, I ask When the priest says, “After fear of God”, to think that there is hospitalization and to come to the Holy Communion with the awareness of your sinfulness, humbly asking for God’s mercy.