Speech in the Transfiguration of the Savior

Saint Gregory Palamas

But when the eighth arrived, as has been said, the Lord taking Peter and James and John ascended to the mountain to pray • Because always, or by all, and the apostles still, walking away praying, like, when he nourished with five bread and Two fish of five thousand men, together with women and children, immediately sacked them all and forced all of the students to immerse themselves in the ship, and he ascended the mountain to pray • or taking with him a few, those who were more than others; Indeed, and when he was making the sallious passion, in the other disciples he says, you sat here, until I prayed • He takes Peter and James and John with him. Therefore, after being picked up them here alone, he raises them particularly to a high term and transformed in front of them, that is, while they saw.
What does it mean, transformed? Saint the Chrysostomos theologian • Opened, as he did, a few of the deity, and showed the mystics to the God. “For while he prayed,” as Luke saith, “the species became different,” he shone like a sun, “as Matthew wrote,” he said, “Like a sun,” not to perceive that light, far from the intellectual oversight of those who can not mean Nothing higher than the sense phenomena, but to know that what for them living in sensation and seeing through the sensation is the sun, this for the living in spirit and seeing through the Spirit is Christ as God, and there is no Need for other light for theoids during the Epiphany • Because for the Haitius He is light and no more • What needs second light to those who have the maximum?
When he did not pray like that, he shone in secrecy that light and revealed Aporritws to the predecessors of the disciples, while the top prophets were present, to show that the consul of the macaron of that sight is prayer and to learn that by the approaching God, according to Virtue and the mind of the Union to him, is provoked and it is shown that the Lamprodi, given to all and all of them are constantly being raised by the exact charity and sincere prayer. For, he saith, the true and Erasmiwtato beauty, which is considered only by the purified in the mind, is the relative with the divine and the Macarena nature, with the marmaryges and graces of which the one who face it, receives something from it, as if it is repainted in His face with a graceful glow. That’s why Moses, when he was chatting with God, was glorified in person.
You see that Moses transformed himself after he ascended the mountain, so he saw the glory of the Lord. But he suffered the metamorphosis, did not act upon it, in accordance with to the saying that, in it brings me the moderate glory of truth, to see and to the splendour of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ, however, had his own brilliance • That is why he did not need a prayer that brightens the body with divine light, but he was the one who would be made to the Saints by the Lampros of God and how it will be seen by them • Because they will shine and The righteous as the Sun in the Kingdom of the father and thus becoming whole divine light, as the birth of Divine Light, will be aporritws the divine Lord of the Heavens, from whose divinity came naturally the glory belonged common and in their body on the Tabor because of of the single representation. Έτσι και δια μέσου τοιούτου φωτός έλαμψε το πρόσωπό του σαν ο ήλιος. Those who present the Greek education and the wisdom of this world and have preferred not to obey spiritual men on the issues of the spirit, but to contradict, listening for the light of his transfiguration Lord upon the term, for the light Ofhim by the apostolic Buds, immediately descend into the felt and built light • Download therein that immaterial and Unespero and adio that are not only above the sense but and above the mind, because they They are down and they cannot understand anything above the earthly. And yet the one who shone in this, proved from before that this is uncreated, after he called it the Kingdom of God • Because the Kingdom of God is not a slave and a built, but that alone of all is uninhibited and invincible, and beyond every year and century , and it is not right, he says, that it has begun or that it is coming from centuries and times the Kingdom of God. This is what we believe to be the inheritance of the survived.
Because the Lord, when he transformed, shone and showed the glory and the brilliance and the light of that, and will come again as he was seen by the disciples of the mountain, so he hired and will have in the centuries some light that he had not previously? Away from this blasphemy • Because whoever says this will accept three natures in Christ, the divine, the hominin and the light of it; It therefore did not have any other brilliance, but that which had been wiped out. He had hidden beneath the flesh the splendour of the divine nature. Therefore the light is of divinity and is uncreated • Because, according to the theologians, Christ was transformed, not by hiring what was not or changing to something that was not, but revealing to his disciples what he was, after he opened their eyes And from their blind made them watching. Do you see that the naturally sighted buds are blind to that light? Therefore neither that light is noticeable nor the seers saw simply with aesthetic eyes, but with eyes that had been transformed through the power of the divine spirit.
So they alternated, so they saw the alternation, which was not recently received by our nature, but from the moment of recruitment, so ethewthike by the Union with the Word of God. That is why the one who conceived Parthenic and begat paradoxically acknowledged him as a carnivorous God, as well as Simeon, who peridis him in his hands as an infant and the Presvista Anna who had her synaptic, “because the divine power was distinguished by having Clean the eyes of the heart, as if they were passing through the glass of the sun.
Why doesn’t he take from the other top and elevate them, and especially alone? Definitely to indicate something big and secret. How then would it be a big and secret view of the felt light, which the chosen themselves had before they were raised and with them the remaining ones down? And what need the power of the spirit and the aid by it or the alternation of eyes for the sight of that light would they have, if this were felt and built?
How can it not be the glory and the reign of the father and the spirit of the perceptible light? How is it not in such glory and reign that Christ will come in the future century, so there will be no need for neither air nor light nor place nor any other similar elements, but according to the apostle instead of all will God be to us? If it will not be instead of everyone, it will certainly be instead of light. From them it turns out that this light is of divinity, because the Theologikwtatos by Evangelistas John, through the Book of Revelation, declares that the future and the same city “has no need of the sun nor of the moon, to be cast in Her • Because the glory of God and her lyre, the lamb.
So he has not indicated to us at this point Jesus, who has now been transformed into the Thabwrio, who has the body as a lamp, instead of light, does not have the glory of divinity that was raised on the mount to the attendants who went up with him? But also for the residents in that city he says “they will not need light of the mist but sunlight, because the Lord God will illuminate them, and there will be no more night.” So what is this light, in which there is no variation or shadow conversion? What is immutable and this light? Is it not of divinity?
But also Moses and Elijah, and indeed Moses, who was a soul not tangible, how did they seem and were glorified by an appreciable light? Because they, too, who were then sinner, said what end they would have in Jerusalem. How did the apostles not recognize those who had not seen before, if not by the apocalyptic power of his light? But, in order not to pester your intellect too long, the rest of the gospel words will be reserved for the time of the feast and Divine Liturgy. Believing, as we were given away by the enlightened ones from Christ, who alone know exactly (because my mysteries, saith God by the Prophet, are for me and for my people) • Well, therefore, believing, as we have been understanding, Mystery of the Transfiguration of the Lord, let us walk towards the glow of that light • And, after we love the beauty of the unchanging glory, let us purge the omma of the mind from the earthly contaminants, disregarding each and every sleep and nice, which is not permanent; Which, even if it is sweet, causes the eternal anguish, and if it brings beauty to the body, but it garments the soul with that foul tunic of sin, because of which, after having been ordained by the man who did not have the garment of the indestructible connection is extracted in That fire and darkness the outer.
From this, may we all be redeemed with the lack and awareness of the holy and the light of the Transfiguration of the Lord, in the glory of him and his father and the life-giving spirit, one of which is the lamprotic and the Godof and glory and Reign and Power, now and always, in the ages of ages.
God forbid.